Payroll Services
Our proven payroll Solutions increase efficiency and Automate processes.

Summary Of Our Payroll Services
CFO360 can assist with all your Payroll Services needs. While paying staff is an important function, this can be a time consuming regular task.
We can offer small to medium sized entities and business owners a professional approach to this sensitive cycle. In addition we will take care of all the related legislative requirements and ensure the necessary deadlines are met.
We also assists with the registrations for PAYE, UIF, SDL and Workmens Compensation.
These services are priced on a monthly fixed fee per employee with reduced rates available for larger organisations.

What Our Payroll Services Include
You will be assigned one of our qualified professional accountants as your dedicated accountant to assist you in your payroll functions and provide the needed support and assistance.
Our payroll software we use is cloud-based which greatly simplifies our interaction with you as a client. This includes an online leave and information management portal for all your staff.

Our monthly / fortnightly / weekly payroll services include:
- Electronic payslips generated for each employee or alternatively an online login facility for each employee
- A summarised report to management for each payroll run
- An EFT file to easily import and pay staff for all major banking platforms
- Monthly EMP201 submissions, bi-annual EMP501 submissions
- For larger organisations we will provide employment equity reports as well reports for submission to Statistics SA
- We can also assist international organisations setting up offices or branches in South Africa
- Executive or Management release facilities for all organisations to ensure privacy.
Yes, We try and automate as many processes as possible! Our payroll software can provide files that are importable into most South African banks so you don’t need to manually load them.
Yes, we absolutely do! We offer the full spectrum in our accounting packages from A-Z to keep your business running as efficiently as possible and keep up to date with all compliance.
Learn more about our Monthly Accounting Services.
Yes, many of our larger payroll clients all belong to bargaining councils and we have had great success in servicing them.
Yes, you can simply pay the payroll fees over to our trust account where we will then make sure your employees will be paid on time.
Yes, we have helped many clients get compliant at SARS and back up to date. We also have tax specialists to help with your tax planning going forward.
Learn more about our Tax Services
Some Frequently Asked Questions
A payroll service provider helps to streamline the process of paying employees by managing wage deposits, providing employee payment history and tax filings, and offering other services related to employee payments.
There are a number of reasons why you might need payroll services. Perhaps you have a complex payroll situation, with multiple employees and a lot of moving parts. Or maybe you simply don’t have the time or inclination to handle payroll yourself. In any case, payroll services can save you a lot of headaches – and help ensure that your employees get paid on time and accurately.
There are many reasons why companies outsource payroll services, but the most common one is to save money. By outsourcing payroll services, businesses can avoid the high costs associated with maintaining an in-house payroll department. Additionally, outsourcing can help businesses improve their efficiency and compliance with government regulations.
Some Of Our Software Partners
Our software partners are all used to increase efficiency, automate processes and enhance the performance of your finance department so you can out perform your competition.

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